Upper School

Physical Education is an integral part of the total education program. It is that phase of education which provides an opportunity, through activity, for physical, mental and social development, and improvement of the individual to meet the challenges of life. It is our mission at Beachside Montessori Village to empower all students to sustain regular, lifelong physical activity as a foundation a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.

A student's conduct in the Physical Education area is extremely important. We will maintain a safe environment for all students.  It is expected that students will conduct themselves appropriately aligning their behaviors with Broward County Public School’s Student Code of Conduct.


1.  Respect (self, others, environment)
2.  Be prepared  (wear comfortable clothes & sneakers on P.E. days.  

     Boots,dress shoes, sandals, flip-flops, crocs, heelys are not safe)
3.  Cooperate  (listen, follow directions the first time, be helpful)
4.  Do your best (give it a try)
5.  Be positive (putdowns or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated)


1.  Verbal Warning
2.  Time-Out
3.  Student/Teacher Conference
4.  Phone Call Or Letter Home
5.  Parent/Teacher Conference
6.  Administrative Referral

Every day in Physical Education, students have the ability to earn two points. Students can earn one point for dressing out and one point for participation/attitude.  At the end of each nine-week grading period, grades will be determined by the percentage of points earned out of the total possible. Once the percentage is calculated, a standard grading scale will be used (see table below). For example, a student who earns the daily points on 40 out of 45 days will receive a B for that grading period (80/90 = 89%)

Percentage                  Percentage   
90-100 = A              77 – 79 = C+
80 – 86 = B              60 – 66 = D
87 - 89 = B+            67 – 69 = D+
70 - 76 = C              59 or below = F

Broward County Middle School students are required to dress out for Physical Education everyday.  All 6th-8th graders will have time in the beginning and/or the end of P.E to change in a B.M.V. bathroom supervised by B.M.V. staff members.

It is mandatory that all upper school students purchase the required P.E. uniforms.  Uniforms are available for purchase through the Lions Booster Club. Order forms are available online!  Go to theLions Athletic Booster Club Website and click on the P.E. Uniforms tab. In the past, students were permitted to wear athletic clothes that were purchased outside of BMV, but that is no longer the case.

Students are encouraged to wear socks with their sneakers, sunscreen, deodorant, and may wear a hat or visor outside. Students are responsible for carrying their uniforms in their backpack.   If your are experiencing any financial hardships and are unable to purchase the required uniform, please notify your child’s homeroom teacher.