
Dear Parents,

I’m excited and looking forward to working with your child in Physical Education for the 2019-2020 school year!  It is my goal, to build a fun yet challenging program to help your child develop a healthy mind and body.  The purpose of this class is to develop active minds and bodies by providing experiences that can help produce total fitness. Children will discover the joy and freedom in movement; improve sensory/body awareness, eye-body coordination, strength, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, balance and social skills. Some of the activities we will be exploring this year are Teambuilding activities, Circuit course training, Obstacle Courses, Circus Arts, Aerobic Activities, Individual and Team Sports, Rope Jumping, Fitness Games, Relaxation Techniques, Stretching/breathing techniques.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have about the Physical Education Program at Beachside Montessori Village.

Live Well,
Coach Kim Rich